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Problem Sets

 Programming Projects

Assignments Policy (Read Carefully)

  • Copying Code or Homework: Any form of cheating will not be tolerated. Particularly copying code from other students or from other sources such as the Internet. We use various tools to check your code, as well as interview you to make sure that you actually did the coding yourself.

  • Collaboration: You can discuss the homework and the programming projects with other students. However, the write-up of the homework and the actual coding must be your own.

  • Late submission: Unless specified otherwise, a written assignment or programming project submitted: (i) within 24 hours after its due will incur 10% penalty, (ii) after 24 hours and within 48 hours of its due date will incur 20% penalty, and (iii) after 48 hours of its due date will not be graded.  One minute late is the same as 23 hours late, the granularity is a complete one day. The time of submission is the timestamp of the submission server.
  • Extensions due to Medical Reasons: If you are unable to complete an assignment or you will miss an exam due to medical reasons, only the University's Health Care Provider Statement will be accepted as proof. Please contact the instructor before the assignment is due or before missing the exam to discuss alternative arrangements.
  • Code grading: The following rules apply: (i) After code submission, absolutely no code modifications or changes are allowed. Example: I just misplaced a semicolon somewhere in line x  which made several test cases to fail and I lost a lot of points, can I fix it? NO. (ii) Your code must compile without error. Otherwise, we will not be able to test your code and you get no credit for it.  (iii) Typically, the grading of your code will be done through scripts or testing programs that we develop. There will be several test cases, each carries a number of points. If your code passes a test case, you get its points, otherwise, you get no points for that test case. So, test your code carefully before submission.
  • Code quality: Make sure that your code is well-organized with sufficient comments. There will be points for code quality and documentation.
Updated Mon Dec. 11 2017, 17:39 by mhefeeda.