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Summer 2023 Teaching Assistant Application [Department of Psychology]

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Summer 2023 Teaching Assistant Application

The university is committed to the principle of equity in employment.

The information submitted with your application is collected under the authority of the University Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 468, s. 27 (4)(a)), applicable federal and provincial employment regulations and requirements, the University's non-academic employment policies and applicable collective agreements.

The information is related directly to and needed by the University to initiate the employment application process. The information will be used to contact references supplied by you, evaluate your qualifications and complete the employment process by making a hiring decision. Applicant information may also be disclosed to the Teaching Support Staff Union in accordance with Article XIII F.3.1.a (iv) of the Collective Agreement.

If you have any questions about the collection, use and disclosure of this information, please contact the Associate VP, Human Resources, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6. Telephone: 778-782-3237

Please enter your first and last name.
Please enter your 9 digit SFU ID unless you are an external applicant who has not previously studied/worked at SFU.
Please enter the email address you wish to use for correspondence related to your TA application.
Please indicate your status for the Summer 2023 semester. Applicants external to graduate programs in psychology should attach copies of their academic transcripts demonstrating their knowledge and expertise in psychology and cognitive science and a resume/CV.
If you are not a psychology graduate student, please indicate which department you are registered in.
Scholarships are not paid via payroll. Please only say 'Yes' if you have received salary for an RA or TA position or other paid employment with the university.
Enter N/A if none. RA appointments should not be counted. Only list those merit-based scholarships you will receive in Summer 2023 with a value equal to at least 5.17 TA units.
Please indicate your preferred workload. Each base unit is equal to 42 hours of work.

A full TA load in W (Writing) courses is 2 x 110 minute labs in PSYC 201W-4 (compensation of 5.17 base units) or 2 x 110 minute tutorials in PSYC 300W-4 (compensation of 6.17 base units). Applicants should be prepared for a steady, intensive time commitment to grading, including weekly written assignments and various components of the major term paper. TA's will generally be expected to participate in a WILO training session and a TA meeting before classes start.

The following is a list of courses offered in Psychology and Cognitive Science involving TA positions for the Summer 2023 semester. TA appointments will run May 1 - August 25. Attendance at lectures is required; you must be available to attend the first lecture and/or attend scheduled meetings May 8 & throughout the entire semester, including the final exam period and completion of grading duties.

Please consider your personal commitments and the course timetable carefully and indicate your preference & availability for courses of interest that do not conflict with your personal schedule. Please keep me informed of changes in your plans by dropping me an email at before tentative assignments are done in late March/early April. Please also let me know if there are any courses for which you are not available or to which you do not wish to receive an appointment.

***New graduate students will be given priority for PSYC 100 and PSYC 102.

Course Outlines:

Summer timetable:

Please indicate your course preference(s). Scheduled times were correct as of the time they were added to this application but may change without notice. Please refer to the schedule at for the most current information.
If you indicated PSYC 201W and/or PSYC 210 as a preference, please indicate which of the lab sections you would be available to teach.
If you wish, please rank your preferences or explain further which courses you would (or would not) be willing to TA.
Please attach your SFU advising transcript. This is not necessary for Psychology graduate students.
Please attach your current CV. This is not necessary for Psychology graduate students.
Please attach transcripts from previous degrees if needed to demonstrate qualifications for particular TA positions. This is not necessary for Psychology graduate students.

For lecture and lab times, locations, and outlines, check the Summer undergraduate course timetable, also available on Please check the timetable carefully to avoid conflicts with your TA duties and your personal schedule. Please also check the graduate course schedule to ensure that the courses you plan to enroll in will not conflict with your TA plans.

If your plans change after submitting your application (e.g. you find other work, receive a GF/scholarship, RA work or decide you don't want to work as a TA), please let me know as soon as possible.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


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