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Access Request for SFU School of Medicine SharePoint Site [School of Medicine]

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Access Request for SFU School of Medicine SharePoint Site

Please fill out this form and submit your Access Request for SFU School of Medicine SharePoint Site.

☆denotes mandatory fields or sections.

Access to SFU School of Medicine SharePoint Site is limited to those with a Simon Fraser University School of Medicine business purpose. Persons who are granted access to information on the School of Medicine SharePoint site are responsible for ensuring compliance with the policy and privacy rules set out in the Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), which is to be completed in conjunction with this form.

If you have not previously completed the NDA, please “right click” on the link below and select “Open link in new tab” so that you are able to continue with your existing request while completing the NDA.

Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) form

When submitting please use the following format: [First Name Last Name - Email]
If you have multiple requests, you can attach an excel spreadsheet here.

Please use this excel sheet to submit a bulk request. You can also use this form if you have multiple requestors that all need different access. 

If you have Manager and/or Executive Director Approval, please submit a screen shot or email here. Otherwise, we will request through Coursys.
Please indicate which folders require contributor access
Please indicate which folders require read only access
If you don't need access to an entire section and only a particular folder, please list the folders and levels of access here

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