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TA Document Submission [ENSC] [Engineering Science]

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Teaching Assistant - Payroll Documents

Please make sure you have accepted the contract before submitting the forms.

You can also submit this form if you have updated documentations. 

If you have not been in the payroll system in the past, we require the following documents from you:

If you are an International student, we also require the following documents from you:

Please note that The School of Engineering Science does not process your documents. The files will be sent to SFU payroll services for processing. If you have questions rearding how to fill out the forms, please contact SFU payroll sevrices at

Payroll Documents Confirmation
Ensure form is complete and signed. Employee ID is your SFU ID number. Please upload in .pdf format only.
Ensure form is complete and signed. Employee ID is your SFU ID number. Please upload in .pdf format only.
Please upload in .pdf format only.
Please upload a copy of a void cheque OR a direct deposit form. Please upload in .pdf format only.
Please enter your 9 digit SIN number without spaces or dashes.
If applicable
If you are an International student, please submit a copy of your study/work permit. Please upload in .pdf format only.
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