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USRA Application [Computing Science]

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USRA Application

Before submitting this form, please see also, our CS USRA webpage (Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) - School of Computing Science - Simon Fraser University) for details on applying. For each Coursys form, you could submit 1 to 3 applications from the faculty project descriptions on the webpage. If you are applying for an NSERC USRA, complete Part 1 of the NSERC USRA (NSERC - On-line Services ( Make a note of the application number assigned to you. This MUST be done through the NSERC portal. Even if you apply for more than 1 project, you would only be awarded 1 per fiscal year. We will reach out to the supervisor to complete Part 2.

If you are applying for the VPR USRA, please submit a separate VPR USRA application form for each project you apply -- complete just page 1 (leave out the section "internal use only"). Please indicate your preference of projects from most preferred as Rank 1.

Deadline to apply for is Sunday, February 16, 2025.

Select one depending on your citizenship
e.g. BSc Computing Science Major, BSc Software Systems
You could find the CGPA on your transcript.
You could submit up to 3 applications. You will only be offered 1 USRA if available.
This will help determine your best skills and experience relevant the project on this application
Please upload your Unofficial SFU Transcript -
Only if applicable to you
Only if applicable to you
If you have any other comment, include them here.

Project you are applying for.

This will be on the faculty project description or a project already arranged separately between the student and faculty
Who will be this research project's supervisor?
Upload the form with just Part 1 completed. This applies only if you are applying for NSERC USRA. We will contact the supervisor to complete Part 2 of Form 202 if you are nominated for the NSERC USRA.
Applicable to NSERC USRA only. ( What is your NSERC USRA Application number from Form 202 after you completed Part 1?
This applies only if you are applying for VPR USRA

If you have a 2nd preferred project, please complete this section

Who will be this research project's supervisor?
Just Part 1 of Form 202 need to be completed before uploading. This applies only if you are applying for NSERC USRA. We will notify the instructor to complete Part 2 if you are nominated.
Applicable to NSERC USRA only. ( What is your NSERC USRA Application number from Form 202 after you completed Part 1?
Please complete the 1st part of a 2nd VPR USRA form. This applies only if you are applying for VPR USRA

If you have a 3rd preferred project, please complete this section

Who will be this research project's supervisor?
Just Part 1 of Form 202 need to be completed before uploading. This applies only if you are applying for NSERC USRA. We will notify the instructor to complete Part 2 if you are nominated.
Applicable to NSERC USRA only. ( What is your NSERC USRA Application number from Form 202 after you completed Part 1?
This applies only if you are applying for VPR USRA

This field is required.