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FAS Outreach and Diveristy Volunteer [Applied Sciences]

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FAS Outreach Volunteering - expression of interest

The Faculty of Applied Sciences offers a variety of workshops and events for the public, especially kids. FAS Outreach Volunteers help at events, for example: running hands-on activities, speaking about a project they have worked on, guiding groups on lab tours, or running an activity booth at a community festival. There are also leadership opportunities for experienced volunteers to get more involved with designing curriculum and planning outreach initiatives.

Anyone in FAS who does outreach with kids must register as an Outreach Volunteer to track the completion of your police check and other forms.

The FAS Outreach and Community Engagement Program tracks the volunteer hours of everyone and submits the co-curricular records for students once per year.

Complete this form to let us know you're interested in volunteering with us! If you have any questions, you can reach us at

Enter the name you'd like to be called at events
Eg Computing, Engineering, Mechatronics, SEE, other (please specify)
Do you have any experience working with kids? Please elaborate on any volunteer or work experience.

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