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Computing Science Course Pages, Summer 2025

CourseTitleCampusInstructor Maillist Archive
2025su-cmpt-105w-d1CMPT 105W D1 Soc. Issues & Cmns. Strategies Burnaby Lo, Felix cmpt-105
2025su-cmpt-120-d1CMPT 120 D1 Intro.Cmpt.Sci/Programming I Burnaby Cukierman, Diana cmpt-120-d1
2025su-cmpt-120-d2CMPT 120 D2 Intro.Cmpt.Sci/Programming I Burnaby cmpt-120-d2
2025su-cmpt-125-d1CMPT 125 D1 Intro.Cmpt.Sci/Programming II Burnaby Lavergne, Anne cmpt-125
2025su-cmpt-201-d1CMPT 201 D1 Systems Programming Burnaby Li, Linyi cmpt-201
2025su-cmpt-210-d1CMPT 210 D1 Probability and Computing Burnaby cmpt-210
2025su-cmpt-225-d1CMPT 225 D1 Data Structures/Programming Burnaby cmpt-225-d1
2025su-cmpt-225-d2CMPT 225 D2 Data Structures/Programming Surrey Cheung, Victor cmpt-225-d2
2025su-cmpt-263-d1CMPT 263 D1 Intro to Human-Centered Comp. Surrey Cheung, Victor cmpt-263
2025su-cmpt-276-d1CMPT 276 D1 Intro Software Engineering Burnaby Pearce, Steve cmpt-276-d1
2025su-cmpt-276-d2CMPT 276 D2 Intro Software Engineering Surrey cmpt-276-d2
2025su-cmpt-295-d1CMPT 295 D1 Intro. to Computer Systems Burnaby Lavergne, Anne cmpt-295
2025su-cmpt-307-d1CMPT 307 D1 Data Structures Burnaby Kabanets, Valentine cmpt-307
2025su-cmpt-310-d1CMPT 310 D1 Intro Artificial Intelligence Burnaby cmpt-310-d1
2025su-cmpt-310-d2CMPT 310 D2 Intro Artificial Intelligence Burnaby cmpt-310-d2
2025su-cmpt-353-d1CMPT 353 D1 Computational Data Science Burnaby Baker, Greg cmpt-353
2025su-cmpt-354-d1CMPT 354 D1 Database Systems I Burnaby Miao, Zhengjie cmpt-354
2025su-cmpt-365-d1CMPT 365 D1 Multimedia Systems Burnaby cmpt-365
2025su-cmpt-371-d1CMPT 371 D1 Data Communications/Networking Surrey cmpt-371
2025su-cmpt-376w-d1CMPT 376W D1 Prof. Resp. & Tech. Writing Burnaby Lo, Felix cmpt-376
2025su-cmpt-379-d1CMPT 379 D1 Principles of Compiler Design Burnaby Sarkar, Anoop cmpt-379
2025su-cmpt-383-d1CMPT 383 D1 Programming Langs. Burnaby Baker, Greg cmpt-383
2025su-cmpt-493-d1CMPT 493 D1 Digital Media Practicum Burnaby Edgar, John cmpt-493
2025su-cmpt-494-d1CMPT 494 D1 SoSy Capstone Project I Burnaby Sumner, Nick; Vora, Keval cmpt-494-d1
2025su-cmpt-494-d2CMPT 494 D2 SoSy Capstone Project I Burnaby Li, Ke cmpt-494-d2
2025su-cmpt-494-d3CMPT 494 D3 SoSy Capstone Project I Burnaby cmpt-494-d3
2025su-cmpt-495-d1CMPT 495 D1 SoSy Capstone Project II Burnaby Wang, Tianzheng cmpt-495-d1
2025su-cmpt-495-d2CMPT 495 D2 SoSy Capstone Project II Burnaby Wang, Yuepeng cmpt-495-d2
2025su-cmpt-495-d3CMPT 495 D3 SoSy Capstone Project II Burnaby Li, Ke cmpt-495-d3
2025su-cmpt-496-d1CMPT 496 D1 Directed Studies Burnaby Kim, Lawrence cmpt-496-d1
2025su-cmpt-496-d2CMPT 496 D2 Directed Studies Burnaby cmpt-496-d2
2025su-cmpt-497-d1CMPT 497 D1 Dual Degree Capstone Project Burnaby Cameron, Robert (Rob) cmpt-497
2025su-cmpt-498-d1CMPT 498 D1 Honours Research Project Burnaby Vincent, Nicholas cmpt-498-d1
2025su-cmpt-498-d2CMPT 498 D2 Honours Research Project Burnaby cmpt-498-d2
2025su-cmpt-498-d3CMPT 498 D3 Honours Research Project Burnaby cmpt-498-d3
2025su-cmpt-629-g1CMPT 629 G1 Graduate Project Burnaby cmpt-629-g1
2025su-cmpt-629-g3CMPT 629 G3 Graduate Project Off-campus cmpt-629-g3
2025su-cmpt-631-g1CMPT 631 G1 Industrial Internship Burnaby cmpt-631
2025su-cmpt-894-g010CMPT 894 G010 Directed Reading Burnaby Wang, Ke cmpt-894-g010
2025su-cmpt-894-g1CMPT 894 G1 Directed Reading Burnaby Wang, Tianzheng cmpt-894-g1
2025su-cmpt-894-g2CMPT 894 G2 Directed Reading Burnaby Vora, Keval cmpt-894-g2
2025su-cmpt-894-g3CMPT 894 G3 Directed Reading Burnaby Mahdavi-Amiri, Ali cmpt-894-g3
2025su-cmpt-894-g4CMPT 894 G4 Directed Reading Burnaby Vincent, Nicholas cmpt-894-g4
2025su-cmpt-894-g5CMPT 894 G5 Directed Reading Burnaby cmpt-894-g5
2025su-cmpt-894-g6CMPT 894 G6 Directed Reading Burnaby cmpt-894-g6
2025su-cmpt-894-g7CMPT 894 G7 Directed Reading Burnaby cmpt-894-g7
2025su-cmpt-894-g8CMPT 894 G8 Directed Reading Burnaby cmpt-894-g8
2025su-cmpt-894-g9CMPT 894 G9 Directed Reading Burnaby cmpt-894-g9
2025su-cmpt-895-g1CMPT 895 G1 Master Program Extended Essay Burnaby cmpt-895
2025su-cmpt-896-g1CMPT 896 G1 MSc Course Option Portfolio Burnaby cmpt-896-g1
2025su-cmpt-896-g2CMPT 896 G2 MSc Course Option Portfolio Burnaby cmpt-896-g2
2025su-cmpt-897-g1CMPT 897 G1 M.Sc. Project Burnaby cmpt-897-g1
2025su-cmpt-897-g2CMPT 897 G2 M.Sc. Project Burnaby cmpt-897-g2
2025su-cmpt-898-g1CMPT 898 G1 MSc Thesis Burnaby cmpt-898-g1
2025su-cmpt-898-g2CMPT 898 G2 MSc Thesis Off-campus cmpt-898-g2
2025su-cmpt-899-g1CMPT 899 G1 Ph.D. Thesis Burnaby cmpt-899
2025su-macm-101-d1MACM 101 D1 Discrete Math I Burnaby Pearce, Steve macm-101