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Computing Science Course Pages, Fall 2014

CourseTitleCampusInstructor Maillist Archive
2014fa-cmpt-102-d1CMPT 102 D1 Scientific Computer Prog. Burnaby Hamarneh, Ghassan cmpt-102
2014fa-cmpt-106-d1CMPT 106 D1 Science, Technology and Soc. Surrey Khangura, Harinder cmpt-106
2014fa-cmpt-110-d1CMPT 110 D1 Programming in Visual Basic Burnaby Drew, Mark cmpt-110
2014fa-cmpt-120-d1CMPT 120 D1 Intro.Cmpt.Sci/Programming I Burnaby Cukierman, Diana cmpt-120-d1
2014fa-cmpt-120-d2CMPT 120 D2 Intro.Cmpt.Sci/Programming I Burnaby Cukierman, Diana cmpt-120-d2
2014fa-cmpt-125-d1CMPT 125 D1 Intro.Cmpt.Sci/Programming II Burnaby Edgar, John cmpt-125
2014fa-cmpt-127-lab1CMPT 127 LAB1 Computing Laboratory Burnaby Vaughan, Richard cmpt-127
2014fa-cmpt-127-lab8CMPT 127 LAB8 Computing Laboratory Burnaby Vaughan, Richard cmpt-127
2014fa-cmpt-127-labxCMPT 127 LABX Computing Laboratory Burnaby Vaughan, Richard cmpt-127
2014fa-cmpt-128-d1CMPT 128 D1 Intro. Cmpt.Sci/Prgm/Engineers Burnaby Regan, Janice cmpt-128-d1
2014fa-cmpt-128-d2CMPT 128 D2 Intro. Cmpt.Sci/Prgm/Engineers Burnaby Regan, Janice cmpt-128-d2
2014fa-cmpt-130-d1CMPT 130 D1 Intro to Computer Prog I Surrey Donaldson, Toby cmpt-130
2014fa-cmpt-150-d1CMPT 150 D1 Intro to Computer Design Burnaby Chan, Bobby cmpt-150
2014fa-cmpt-165-c1CMPT 165 C1 Intro Internet World Wide Web Distance Makonin, Stephen cmpt-165-c1
2014fa-cmpt-165-c2CMPT 165 C2 Intro Internet World Wide Web Distance Makonin, Stephen cmpt-165-c2
2014fa-cmpt-165-c3CMPT 165 C3 Intro Internet World Wide Web Distance Makonin, Stephen cmpt-165-c3
2014fa-cmpt-165-d1CMPT 165 D1 Intro Internet World Wide Web Burnaby Makonin, Stephen cmpt-165-d1
2014fa-cmpt-165-d2CMPT 165 D2 Intro Internet World Wide Web Surrey Khangura, Harinder cmpt-165-d2
2014fa-cmpt-166-d1CMPT 166 D1 Animated Intro to Programming Surrey Donaldson, Toby cmpt-166
2014fa-cmpt-225-d1CMPT 225 D1 Data Structures/Programming Burnaby Mitchell, David cmpt-225-d1
2014fa-cmpt-225-d2CMPT 225 D2 Data Structures/Programming Surrey Tien, Geoffrey cmpt-225-d2
2014fa-cmpt-250-d1CMPT 250 D1 Intro to Computer Architecture Burnaby Dixon, Anthony cmpt-250-d1
2014fa-cmpt-250-d2CMPT 250 D2 Intro to Computer Architecture Surrey Fraser, Brian cmpt-250-d2
2014fa-cmpt-275-e1CMPT 275 E1 Software Engineering I Burnaby Tsang, Herbert cmpt-275
2014fa-cmpt-300-d1CMPT 300 D1 Operating Systems I Burnaby Pearce, Steve cmpt-300
2014fa-cmpt-307-d1CMPT 307 D1 Data Structures Burnaby Hell, Pavol cmpt-307-d1
2014fa-cmpt-307-d2CMPT 307 D2 Data Structures Surrey Peters, Joseph cmpt-307-d2
2014fa-cmpt-308-d1CMPT 308 D1 Computability Burnaby Kabanets, Valentine cmpt-308
2014fa-cmpt-310-d1CMPT 310 D1 Artificial Intelligence Survey Burnaby Schulte, Oliver cmpt-310
2014fa-cmpt-320-e1CMPT 320 E1 Social Implications Burnaby Pearce, Steve cmpt-320
2014fa-cmpt-354-d1CMPT 354 D1 Database Systems I Burnaby Delgrande, James cmpt-354-d1
2014fa-cmpt-354-d2CMPT 354 D2 Database Systems I Surrey Hu, Juhua cmpt-354-d2
2014fa-cmpt-361-d1CMPT 361 D1 Intro to Computer Graphics Burnaby Tan, Ping cmpt-361
2014fa-cmpt-363-e1CMPT 363 E1 User Interface Dsgn Harbour Ctr Hibbitts, Paul cmpt-363
2014fa-cmpt-365-d1CMPT 365 D1 Multimedia Systems Burnaby Drew, Mark cmpt-365
2014fa-cmpt-371-d1CMPT 371 D1 Data Communications/Networking Burnaby Liu, Jiangchuan cmpt-371
2014fa-cmpt-373-d1CMPT 373 D1 Software Development Methods Surrey Shermer, Thomas cmpt-373
2014fa-cmpt-376w-d1CMPT 376W D1 Tech.Writing and Group Dynamic Burnaby Popowich, Frederick cmpt-376
2014fa-cmpt-405-d1CMPT 405 D1 Cmpt. Algorithms Burnaby Krishnamurti, Ramesh cmpt-405
2014fa-cmpt-411-d1CMPT 411 D1 Knowledge Representation Burnaby Delgrande, James cmpt-411
2014fa-cmpt-413-d1CMPT 413 D1 Computational Linguistics Burnaby Sarkar, Anoop cmpt-413
2014fa-cmpt-413-x1CMPT 413 X1 Natural Language Processing Burnaby Sarkar, Anoop cmpt-413
2014fa-cmpt-415-d1CMPT 415 D1 Special Resrch Proje Burnaby Kirkpatrick, Ted; Liu, Jiangchuan cmpt-415
2014fa-cmpt-419-d1CMPT 419 D1 Spec.Topics/Artificial Intell. Burnaby Mori, Greg cmpt-419
2014fa-cmpt-431-d1CMPT 431 D1 Distributed Systems Burnaby Fedorova, Alexandra cmpt-431
2014fa-cmpt-433-d1CMPT 433 D1 Embedded Systems Surrey Fraser, Brian cmpt-433
2014fa-cmpt-441-d1CMPT 441 D1 Computational Biology Burnaby Sahinalp, Suleyman (Cenk) cmpt-441
2014fa-cmpt-470-d2CMPT 470 D2 Web-Based Info Syst Surrey Kirkpatrick, Ted cmpt-470
2014fa-cmpt-471-d1CMPT 471 D1 Networking II Burnaby Gu, Qianping cmpt-471-d1
2014fa-cmpt-471-d2CMPT 471 D2 Networking II Surrey Hefeeda, Mohamed cmpt-471-d2
2014fa-cmpt-473-d1CMPT 473 D1 Software Quality Assurance Surrey Sumner, Nick cmpt-473
2014fa-cmpt-475-e1CMPT 475 E1 Software Engineering II Harbour Ctr Ridinger, Danny (Dan) cmpt-475
2014fa-cmpt-477-d1CMPT 477 D1 Intro to Formal Verification Burnaby Ternovska, Evgenia (Eugenia) cmpt-477
2014fa-cmpt-705-g1CMPT 705 G1 Design/Analysis Algorithms Burnaby Bulatov, Andrei cmpt-705
2014fa-cmpt-711-g1CMPT 711 G1 Bioinformatics Algorithms Burnaby Sahinalp, Suleyman (Cenk) cmpt-711
2014fa-cmpt-721-g1CMPT 721 G1 Knowledge Rep and Reasoning Burnaby Delgrande, James cmpt-721
2014fa-cmpt-726-g1CMPT 726 G1 Machine Learning Burnaby Mori, Greg cmpt-726
2014fa-cmpt-741-g1CMPT 741 G1 Data Mining Burnaby Wang, Ke cmpt-741
2014fa-cmpt-777-g1CMPT 777 G1 Formal Verification Burnaby Ternovska, Evgenia (Eugenia) cmpt-777
2014fa-cmpt-813-g2CMPT 813 G2 Computational Geom. Burnaby Bhattacharya, Binay cmpt-813
2014fa-cmpt-822-g1CMPT 822 G1 Computational Vision Burnaby Funt, Brian cmpt-822
2014fa-cmpt-825-g1CMPT 825 G1 Natural Lang.Process Burnaby Sarkar, Anoop cmpt-825
2014fa-cmpt-827-g1CMPT 827 G1 Intelligent Systems Burnaby Mitchell, David cmpt-827
2014fa-cmpt-880-g2CMPT 880 G2 Spec.Top. in Computing Science Surrey Hefeeda, Mohamed cmpt-880
2014fa-cmpt-888-g1CMPT 888 G1 Spec.Topics/Graphics,HCI,Visn Burnaby Hamarneh, Ghassan cmpt-888
2014fa-cmpt-894-g1CMPT 894 G1 Directed Reading Burnaby cmpt-894
2014fa-cmpt-895-g1CMPT 895 G1 Master Program Extended Essay Burnaby cmpt-895
2014fa-cmpt-896-g1CMPT 896 G1 MSc Portfolio Burnaby cmpt-896
2014fa-cmpt-897-g1CMPT 897 G1 M.Sc. Project Burnaby cmpt-897
2014fa-cmpt-898-g1CMPT 898 G1 MSc Thesis Burnaby cmpt-898
2014fa-cmpt-899-g1CMPT 899 G1 Ph.D. Thesis Burnaby cmpt-899
2014fa-ddp-210-d1DDP 210 D1 Dual Degree Prgm-ZU Cmpt Sci Off-campus Li, Ze-Nian ddp-210
2014fa-ddp-310-d1DDP 310 D1 Dual Degree Prgm-ZU Cmpt Sci Off-campus Li, Ze-Nian ddp-310
2014fa-macm-101-d1MACM 101 D1 Discrete Math I Burnaby Bulatov, Andrei macm-101-d1
2014fa-macm-101-d3MACM 101 D3 Discrete Math I Surrey Wiese, Kay (Kay C) macm-101-d3
2014fa-macm-101-e1MACM 101 E1 Discrete Math I Harbour Ctr Huang, Jane macm-101-e1