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Lab Exercise 6

Provided code:

C-Style String Length

The strlen function in C calculates the length of a C string: a sequence of bytes that's terminated by a null byte ('\0'). Write an assembly function strlen_mine in lab6.S that does this: takes a pointer to a byte array and counts the number of bytes before getting to a null (zero) byte.

Remember that we're working with bytes here (not 64-bit values), and that if you have a memory address (pointer) in a register, you can follow the pointer to inspect that memory location by putting the register name in parenthesis. i.e. this is probably a useful comparison to make (adjusting the register name as you like):

cmpb $0, (%rdi)

The provided tests.c contains some tests of this and the next function. It #includes the data from test_strings.c as test cases. The test_strings.c does not need to be included on the command line:

gcc -Wall -Wpedantic -std=c17 -march=haswell -O3 tests.c lab6.S \
&& ./a.out

UTF-8 String Length

C strings are not typically treated like encoded Unicode characters, but they could be. Write an assembly function strlen_utf8 in lab6.S that calculates the number of Unicode characters in a byte array, treating it as UTF-8-encoded text.

This will be similar to the previous question, except you should not count bytes that are UTF-8 continuation bytes: any byte in the form 10xxxxxx is a continuation byte. You will need to extract those specific bits from each byte to see if they are the "right" value for a continuation byte.

If you want to examine specific bits of an integer, you can construct a value to bitwise-AND with to keep exactly the bits you care about. In this case, 11000000:

& 0b11000000
= 0bxx000000

And then make a comparison for equality.

UTF-8 Characters

Write a C function (yes, we're drifting back toward C) decode_utf8 in utf8.c that takes a pointer to a byte array (i.e. a char*), decodes the UTF-8 encoded text (until finding the null byte marking the end of the string) to character numbers (i.e. the character 'a' is 97).

For each Unicode character in the string, call the provided report_character with the Unicode character number and the number of bytes it took to express it in UTF-8. So, finding a 'ç' (character number 231, encoded as two bytes) should cause the equivalent of:

report_character(231, 2);

Extracting the UTF-8 character data will require inspecting the first byte of each character to see which row of the encoding table it's in, then looking at the next 0–3 bytes, extracting the bits you need (the ones marked "x" in the table), and turning them into a 32-bit integer (because that's the argument to report_character).

Combining the bits you need out of each byte will likely be a combination of bitwise-AND (&) to get the bits you want, shifting (<< or >>) to move them to the right position, and bitwise-OR (|) to combine.

The provided possible-template.c could be used as a basis for your utf8.c if you like (and you certainly free to modify as you like). It will at least run and let you work incrementally from incorrect to correct results.

The provided utf8-test.c will call your decode_utf8 on several strings and produce HTML output of the results. It also uses data from test_strings.c as tests cases.

You can assume valid UTF-8 encoded text (e.g. after a 110xxxxx byte, there will be exactly one continuation byte before the next character starts).

Option 1: Just Run My Code

The main function of utf8-test.c produces HTML output. You can look at that in the terminal, or redirect it to a file with a ">" on the command line, like this:

g++ -Wall -Wpedantic -std=c++14 -march=haswell -O3 utf8.c utf8-test.c \
&& ./a.out > output.html

Then open output.html in your favourite web browser.

[Note: that command compiles with the C++14 standard so you can use binary literals like 0b11111111 if you want.]

Option 2: Greg spent too long on this and doesn't want to throw away the code…

This method will use your function the same way and produce similar output, but with a description of each character. It requires libraries that I assumed were part of the standard Linux installation, but apparently not. In a Debian/Ubuntu/Mint distribution, you need the python3-gdbm and libgdbm-dev packages. They should be available in CSIL Linux.

I have provided a Python program that downloads from files from the Unicode Character Database and produces a database file (with GDBM, basically a disk-based hash table) of Unicode character number to descriptions of the characters.

Then set the USE_GDBM preprocessor macro to turn on the conditional blocks in utf8-test.c that will use the character database (the -DUSE_GDBM on the command line).

python3 # one-time setup
g++ -Wall -Wpedantic -std=c++14 -march=haswell -O3 -DUSE_GDBM utf8.c utf8-test.c -lgdbm \
&& ./a.out > output.html

For all that work, you will get slightly different output. 🎉


Submit your work to Lab 6 in CourSys.

Updated Wed April 17 2024, 15:57 by ggbaker.