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Lab Exercise 1

Provided code:


Get yourself into a Linux environment.

  • In CSIL, that might require rebooting from Windows to Linux.
  • On your own Windows computer, you might need to install Windows Subsystem for Linux or another virtual machine that can run a Linux OS.
  • Or with Windows, you could dual boot Linux.
  • On a Mac, you will need some kind of virtual machine software to create a VM and install Linux.

Get the basic development tools installed: gcc, as, ld. If you're on a Debian/Ubuntu/Mint or similar Linux distribution, you can install the build-essential package to get them.

Compiling and Assembling

Recall from lecture, when I say "gcc" what I mean is:

gcc -Wall -Wpedantic -std=c17 -march=haswell

Or possibly:

clang -Wall -Wpedantic -std=c17 -march=haswell

In the provided (link at the top of this page), there is a file array_sum.S that contains assembly code implementing a function array_sum that sums the elements of an array of int32_t values. The C signature for this function can be found in array_sum.h.

The provided array_sum_speed.c uses this function: it creates a random array, gets its sum with the array_sum function, and times it.

  1. Assemble array_sum.S to produce array_sum.o.
  2. Compile array_sum_speed.c to produce array_sum_speed.o.
  3. Link the two .o files to produce an executable (possibly named a.out, or possibly something else).
  4. Run the executable, giving a command line argument "1000000" for the array size.

Do not do unnecessary steps (like run the preprocessor by hand) as demonstrated in lecture. That was a demo of the tools, not a practical method to create an executable. Each of those should be a single command.

[← that's a signal that you should look at the "Questions" section below, because there's something there to answer about this part.]

Replace Assembly with C

Create an array_sum.c file that contains a C implementation of the array_sum function: it should have a signature that matches array_sum.h and return the sum of elements 0 to n-1 of the array. It should return the same result as the assembly implementation in all cases.

Repeat the above, but replace the first step ("assemble") with a gcc or clang command that compiles your C implementation to create array_sum.o.

Compare the relative speed of the two array_sum implementations (using the time taken which is printed by the main function).

You may get more accurate timing results if you prevent your CPU from slowing down to save power: see the Timing Code page for info.

Compile it again, but better

Add the -O3 switch to the command that compiles array_sum.c and repeat the timing.

Replace C with Assembly

See the provided multiply_add.c, multiply_add.h, and multiply_add_test.c files.

The multiply_add.c and multiply_add.h describe a simple C function. Code to test it can be found in multiply_add_test.c.

Write an assembly replacement multiply_add.S that can be used in place of multiply_add.c. It should define a multiply_add function that behaves exactly the same as the C implementation.

Hint: the instructions that you need to do the integer arithmetic are add and imul. You can find the three function arguments in %rdi, %rsi, and %rdx (in that order). The result is returned by putting it in %rax.

Suggestion: first create a function that always returns 0. Test. Then modify so it always returns c, then b*c, then a+b*c.


Answer these questions in a text file answers.txt. [Generally, these questions should be answered in a few sentences each.]

  1. What were the four commands you used to assemble, compile, link, and run in the "Compiling and Assembling" section?
  2. What was the first command you used to compile array_sum.c? How must faster/slower was your C implementation compared to the provided assembly?
  3. How did the speed of the C and assembly implementations of array_sum compare after you added -O3 to the compilation command? How did C speed compare with and without -O3?


Submit your work to Lab 1 in CourSys.

Updated Mon April 15 2024, 18:08 by ggbaker.