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Exercise 9

Testing the Random Number Generator

I have some beliefs about what happens when you roll two dice, but would like to test them.

In, we'll roll several pairs of dice and draw a simple histogram of the results.

  • sum_two_dice(): should generate two random integers 1 to 6 and return their sum.
  • roll_dice(num): should roll num pairs of dice (by calling sum_two_dice) and counting the number of 2s, 3s, 4s, ..., 12s rolled. It should return a list of the count of each roll that occurred (i.e. a list of ≈12 elements that would sum to num).
  • draw_histogram(counts): that takes the counts produced by the previous function, creates and image, draws the histogram (using ImageDraw methods), and returns and Image like this:
    def draw_histogram(counts):
        img ="RGB", (img_width, img_height))
        return img

The main part of your program should be only imports and:

rolls = 1000
img_width = 325
img_height = 250
y_per_count = 1000 / rolls
x_per_bar = 25
y_base = 230
x_base = 25

counts = roll_dice(rolls)
img = draw_histogram(counts)"histo.png")

The constants defined here mean the rectangle for the "number of t rolled" will have:

  • x coordinates from x_base + (t - 2) * x_per_bar (left) to x_base + (t - 1) * x_per_bar (right) and
  • y coordinates from y_base (bottom) to y_base - counts[t] * y_per_count (top).

This was the output of one run of my program:

Modifying Lists

For this question, in you will create two similar functions that actually work very differently. Both of these functions will be used to remove the last item from a list, but will operate in different ways.

Write a function chop1 that returns its argument with the last item removed. It should not change the argument, but should return a copy without the last item.

>>> testlist = [0,1,2,3,4]
>>> chop1(testlist) # note: returns modified copy
[0, 1, 2, 3]
>>> print(testlist) # note: original unchanged
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

Write a function chop2 that removes the last item from a list given as its argument. The existing list should be changed in-place; the function should not return anything.

>>> testlist = [0,1,2,3,4]
>>> chop2(testlist) # note: no return value
>>> print(testlist)
[0, 1, 2, 3]

The difference between these two functions is important. The first operates like all of the other functions we've written: taken arguments and returned whatever results it created. The second is possible because lists are mutable: the function takes the reference to the list and changes it in-place.


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Updated Thu July 04 2024, 13:25 by ggbaker.