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Exercise 4


We want to write a program that counts for the user. It should ask them where to start, end, and what it should count by:

Start at: 3
End at: 10
Count by: 2
3 5 7 9
3 5 7 9

The output is doubled because we will implement the counting twice. Another example:

Start at: 100
End at: 120
Count by: 5
100 105 110 115 120
100 105 110 115 120

Assume that the “count by” value is 1 or larger and that the end value is greater than the start value. You can keep print from ending the line by adding an end='' argument. For example, this program will print the numbers 1 to 9, counting by 2, on a single line:

for i in range(1, 10, 2):
    print(i, end='')

The first counting output should be produced using a for loop.

The second (identical) output should be produced using a while loop.


This question involves finding spaces in a string. You can extract a single character from a string by indexing: s[i] for a string s and integer i. The first character in a string is s[0].

Hints: Use a for loop for one part, and a while loop for the other. The range range(len(s)) will give the positions of the characters in a string s; you can use this in a for loop to iterate over each character in a string.

Write a program that reports every occurrence of a space:

Enter a string: This is the user's input
There's a space in position 4.
There's a space in position 7.
There's a space in position 11.
There's a space in position 18.

Write a program that reports the position of only the first space:

Enter a string: This is the user's input
The first space is in position 4.

A First Function

In a Python program, create a function named triple that takes one number as its argument. It should return three times that number.

In the main part of the program (below the function definition), insert this code:

print("This should be nine:", triple(3))
print("This should be negative 120:", triple(-40))

When this program is run (with that main program code), the output must be exactly this:

This should be nine: 9
This should be negative 120: -120


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Updated Thu May 30 2024, 17:11 by ggbaker.