Weather Data
Here's the code that I have that will extract various GHCN weather data.
Running this will take time, so please avoid running it when the cluster is busy with assignment work. Make sure you have access to the web frontend of your job so you can monitor its progress. It should take 5 minutes or so, depending on the details of your filters
import sys
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, functions, types, Row
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('GHCN extracter').getOrCreate()
ghcn_path = '/courses/datasets/ghcn-splits'
ghcn_stations = '/courses/datasets/ghcn-more/ghcnd-stations.txt'
output = 'ghcn-subset'
observation_schema = types.StructType([
types.StructField('station', types.StringType(), False),
types.StructField('date', types.StringType(), False), # becomes a types.DateType in the output
types.StructField('observation', types.StringType(), False),
types.StructField('value', types.IntegerType(), False),
types.StructField('mflag', types.StringType(), False),
types.StructField('qflag', types.StringType(), False),
types.StructField('sflag', types.StringType(), False),
types.StructField('obstime', types.StringType(), False),
station_schema = types.StructType([
types.StructField('station', types.StringType(), False),
types.StructField('latitude', types.FloatType(), False),
types.StructField('longitude', types.FloatType(), False),
types.StructField('elevation', types.FloatType(), False),
types.StructField('name', types.StringType(), False),
def station_data(line):
return [line[0:11].strip(), float(line[12:20]), float(line[21:30]), float(line[31:37]), line[41:71].strip()]
def main():
sc = spark.sparkContext
## Stations data...
stations_rdd = sc.textFile(ghcn_stations).map(station_data)
stations = spark.createDataFrame(stations_rdd, schema=station_schema).hint('broadcast')
## Observations data...
obs =, header=None, schema=observation_schema)
## Filter as we like...
# keep only some years: still a string comparison here
obs = obs.filter((obs['date'] >= '2012') & (obs['date'] <= '2015'))
obs = obs.filter(functions.isnull(obs['qflag']))
obs = obs.drop(obs['mflag']).drop(obs['qflag']).drop(obs['sflag']).drop(obs['obstime'])
obs = obs.filter(obs['observation'].isin('TMAX', 'PRCP'))
# parse the date string into a real date object
obs = obs.withColumn('newdate', functions.to_date(obs['date'], 'yyyyMMdd'))
obs = obs.drop('date').withColumnRenamed('newdate', 'date')
# optional, if you want the station data joined...
#obs = obs.join(stations, on='station')
obs.write.json(output + '/ghcn', mode='overwrite', compression='gzip')
From there, you can have a look at the data and make sure everything seems reasonable:
hdfs dfs -ls ghcn-subset/ghcn
To get the data out of HDFS and back to your gateway home directory:
hdfs dfs -copyToLocal ghcn-subset/ghcn .
And you can SCP from there to your computer and work with it as you wish.
Updated Thu Aug. 22 2024, 10:14 by ggbaker.