Exercise 3
For this exercise, put all of your function definitions in a file exer3.hs
You must include an appropriate type declaration (::
) for each function you define in your exer3.hs
Write a recursive function merge
that takes two already-sorted lists, and combines them into a single sorted list.
*Main> merge [2,4,6,8] [1,3,5,7]
*Main> merge [1,2,3,4] [5,6,7,8,9,10]
*Main> merge [4,5,7,8] [1,2,3,6,9]
*Main> merge "aeguz" "ceptw"
[Your merge
function should take linear (\(O(n)\)) time. i.e. you shouldn't use a sort function as part of your implementation.]
Merge Sort
Use your merge
function to implement merge sort. That is, split the list you are given into two halves, recursively sort each half, and merge the halves.
*Main> mergeSort [1,9,3,2,7,6,4,8,5]
*Main> mergeSort [6,2,4,8,9,5,3,1,7,10]
*Main> mergeSort []
*Main> mergeSort [4]
*Main> mergeSort "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
" .Tabcdeeefghhijklmnoooopqrrstuuvwxyz"
Haskell Library and Dates
It's time to expand our knowledge of the Haskell standard library. For the rest of the exercise, we will use some of the date/time modules, which can be imported like this: (A Haskell import must be before any function definitions in the file.)
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate
Create a function daysInYear
that returns a list of all days in a given year: each should be a Day
type. Hint: use the fromGregorian
function and…
daysInYear :: Integer -> [Day]
daysInYear y = [⏹..⏹]
where jan1 = ⏹
dec31 = ⏹
(It turns out that the ..
notation can be used on any type that is in the Enum
class, not just integers.)
Create a function isFriday
that takes an argument of type Day
and returns True
if that day is a Friday (and False
*Main> isFriday (fromGregorian 2018 5 17)
*Main> isFriday (fromGregorian 2018 5 18)
*Main> filter isFriday (daysInYear 2018)
The mondayStartWeek function (or sundayStartWeek function) calculates the day of the week. See also the snd
I also like days that are prime numbers. For example, Friday the 13th: 13 is a prime number, so that's a good day. Write a function isPrimeDay
that takes a Day
as an argument and returns True
if they day part is prime.
*Main> isPrimeDay (fromGregorian 2018 5 13)
*Main> isPrimeDay (fromGregorian 2018 5 14)
*Main> isPrimeDay (fromGregorian 2018 6 23)
You can use the divisors
function from exercise 2 to help you get there.
At some point, you'll probably find that you used toGregorian
and have a triple (tuple with three values) that contains a year, month, and day. This function does something useful when given such a triple as an argument:
getDay (y,m,d) = d
Use the functions you have created to define a primeFridays
function that returns a list of all prime Fridays in a year.
*Main> primeFridays 2018
Submit your files through CourSys for Exercise 3.