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Fuzz Testing

Fuzz Testing for Software Security

  • Fuzz testing is the process of testing software using random inputs (fuzz).
  • Goal:
    • Identify inputs that cause the program to crash.
    • Improve the software by handling invalid inputs to avoid crashes.

Generation or Mutation

There are two basic approaches to generating fuzz:

  • Generating input data randomly.
  • Applying data mutation techniques to well-defined sample data.

Early Failure

A general problem with truly random fuzz is that of early failure.

  • A crash caused by the random input happens very early in the input processing.
  • Security issues that only arise after considerable processing may never be exposed.
    • Hard to generate truly random inputs that allow processimg to proceed to later program stages.

Data Mutation Approaches

  • The goal of data mutation approaches is to increase the possibility that data will be "correct enough" to pass through early stages of the program.
  • Almost correct data then may trigger program faults in later stages.

Dumb vs. Structured Input Fuzzing

  • A dumb fuzzer generates data without any knowledge of the input data formats.
    • General purpose, but often does not expose errors past the data parsing stage.
  • Structured input fuzzers use a model of the input to generate random data.
    • For example, the legal inputs may be defined by a grammar, a file format or a network protocol.

Program Structure and Fuzzing

Black-box fuzzers have no knowledge of the program structure.

White-box fuzzers analyze the program structure.

  • Focus on generating fuzz that increases overall code coverage.
  • Generate fuzz based on the test conditions on program branches.

Grey-box fuzzing uses program instrumentation rather than program analysis.

  • Instrumentation monitors whether inputs cause different program branches to be taken.
  • Useful for generating inputs that increase coverage without the expense or complexity of program analysis.
Updated Sun Sept. 10 2023, 10:45 by cameron.