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Final Report and Assessments

Upon completion of iteration 4, the course project will conclude with the following reports.

  1. A final project report of 1000-1500 words. In this report, you will discuss the software engineering challenges that you encountered in developing your app and how you met those challenges. You should also include a section outlining future issues to be addressed if development of the app is to be taken further.
  2. An individual write-up of 200-300 words. Each student will describe her or his own role as a team member throughout the course.
  3. A team assessment. Each student will complete an evaluation rating the contributions of other team members.

Final Project Report

The final project report should be well-structured with the following sections.

  • Introduction - Overview of the project and organization of the report (2 pts)
  • Requirements - A section describing the experience of focusing on requirements definition using user stories and TDD examples (3 pts).
  • Design and Implementation - A section describing the software engineering work in building the application (3 pts).
  • GitLab Usage - A section describing how GitLab helped or hindered collaborative development (2 pts).
  • Testing - A section describing the role of testing throughout the development process and lessons learned (3 pts).
  • Conclusion including areas for further development (2 pts).

Due: Tuesday April 11 2023, 22:00 Late policy: 1% penalty per day, max. 7 days.

Individual Writeup

Due: Wednesday April 12 2023, 22:00 Late policy: 3% penalty per day, max. 3 days.

Team Assessment

Due: Wednesday April 12 2023, 22:00 Late policy: 3% penalty per day, max. 3 days.

Updated Fri March 24 2023, 12:15 by cameron.