Iteration and Peer Project Evaluation

This form provides a way for you to reflect on the performance of yourself and your peers during the project. The results provide me a means of analyzing groups and individuals in order to find strengths and problem areas.

Note: this is different than a group retrospective or reflection. While a retrospective is done openly within a group, this personal reflection will not be seen by your groupmates. However, the results may help guide me in identifying problems that I may take action on.

The survey is completed locally on your machine. When you click "complete", it will generate a JSON file for you to save and upload to CourSys.

Overall Team Process Please rank how much you agree with the following statements on the scale
1 (strongly disagree) - 5 (strongly agree)

Statement Rating

Individual Contributions Next, rank yourself and each of your teammates for:
technical skill, productivity, team work, and communication on the scale
1 (poor) - 3 (good)


Written Comments