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Running Spark Jobs Locally

It's generally much easier to test your code locally (on a smaller data set, one assumes) before uploading to the Cluster. Fortunately, Spark makes that easy.

Local Spark Jobs: your computer (Linux, OSX)

This assumes a Linux-like environment. I believe these instructions work more-or-less the same on OSX.

From the Spark download page, get Spark version 3.5.0 (which is the version we'll be using on the cluster), “Pre-built for Hadoop 2.7 and later”, and click the “download Spark” link. Unpack that somewhere you like. Set a couple of environment variables so things start correctly. (This must be done each time you log in/create a new terminal.)

export PYSPARK_PYTHON=python3
export PATH=${PATH}:/home/you/spark-3.5.0-bin-hadoop3/bin

Then you can start the pyspark shell or a standalone job:


While the job is running, you can access the web frontend at http://localhost:4040/.

If you're using the pyspark shell and want the IPython REPL instead of the plain Python REPL, you can set this environment variable:


Local Spark Jobs: OSX

See How to Install PySpark on Mac, which seems to be a good set of instructions.

Local Spark Jobs: your computer with pip

In theory, Spark can be pip-installed:

pip3 install --user pyspark

and then use the pyspark and spark-submit commands as described above.

I haven't had good luck with pip + pyspark in the past, but they may have updated their installer on the Spark side. Feedback appreciated.

Local Spark Jobs: CSIL Linux

Spark is installed on the CSIL Linux workstations (to run in local-only mode). You need to specify a Java runtime and that you're using Python 3, but then the standard commands should work:

export PYSPARK_PYTHON=python3

While the job is running, you can access the web frontend at http://localhost:4040/.

If you're using the pyspark shell and want the IPython REPL instead of the plain Python REPL, you can set this environment variable:

Updated Fri Oct. 20 2023, 09:36 by ggbaker.