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Lab Space

The space in Southeast Classroom Block will be used for our twice-weekly labs, and is there for use by PMP students generally. You can get a key-card for the room [SOMEHOW].

Personal Home

Your home directory on the CSIL desktops is shared between all of the machines, so you can use it for your work in the course.

Space/quota in the home directories is somewhat limited, so it's probably not the best place to keep big data files. The (not completely accurately named) VirtualBox VMs folder in your home doesn't have the same quota, so that might be a better destination for larger data sets.

Shared Files

Some commonly-needed files have been placed in a shared directory available everywhere: /usr/shared/CMPT/big-data.

In particular, /usr/shared/CMPT/big-data/hadoop-3.3.4 contains a binary release of Hadoop that matches the cluster.

Local Hadoop Setup

If compiling in Eclipse (as in EclipseHadoop), you can add external JARs to your build path from /usr/shared/CMPT/big-data/hadoop-3.3.4/share/hadoop.

If compiling on the command line (as in CompilingHadoop) or running Hadoop standalone on the workstation, you can set your environment variables this way and follow the instructions from there:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/
export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/shared/CMPT/big-data/hadoop-3.3.4
Updated Thu Aug. 22 2024, 11:06 by ggbaker.