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Docker and Docker Compose

The project in this course (and some other work) can be deployed in containers managed by Docker and Docker Compose.

Getting Set Up: your computer

You should be able to install and run Docker and Docker Compose on any operating system.

  1. Install Docker. Methods very by operating system: searching for up-to-date instructions will likely be more reliable than anything I can post here. In particular, see Docker's Ubuntu installation instructions.
  2. Install Docker Compose. If you have installed a full Docker Desktop version, it should be there. If you installed a Linux package, you likely also have to install the docker-compose package.

Getting Set Up: CSIL Linux

Everything you need should be available on the Linux side of any of the CSIL workstations. You can use the docker-compose and docker commands as expected.

Please be cautious of your disk usage in CSIL. When you're done, clean things up with:

docker-compose down
docker system prune --volumes

Getting Set Up: CSIL Linux Remotely

As above, the tools you need should be available on CSIL Linux machines. That includes, which you can connect to remotely with this command (or your SSH client's adaptation of it):

ssh -p24 -L 8080:localhost:8080

This will forward port 8080 from there to your localhost: adapt as necessary to get the port(s) you're using for your HTTP server.

Working with Containers

Here are a few basic commands to get started working with docker-compose:

docker-compose build
Build any images from Dockerfiles described in your docker-compose.yml.
docker-compose up
Start all of the containers described in your docker-compose.yml. Press control-C to stop them.
docker-compose down
Stop and remove all of the containers described in your docker-compose.yml.
docker system prune
Remove any unused containers and images.
docker system prune --volumes
As above, but also remove any volumes.
docker-compose run app bash
Run a command (bash) in a new instance of the container (app).
docker exec -it exercise4_web_1 bash
Run a command (bash) in an existing container (exercise4_web_1).
Updated Mon Aug. 30 2021, 07:36 by ggbaker.