Office Hours
Greg: office hours Thursdays 11:00–12:00 by video chat. (See SecretLinks for the URL.)
- Rong, office hours Wednesdays 13:00–14:00 by video chat.
- Gonick, office hours Fridays 14:00–15:00 by video chat.
All questions about the course material, technical problems, etc should go to the discussion forum. For questions about grading or personal questions email
- Weekly Exercises: 20% (2% × 10, individual)
- Technology Evaluation: 25% (mostly group marks)
- Demonstration web site: 7%
- Presentation: 8%
- Written Evaluation: 8%
- Presentation summaries: 2% (individual)
- Project: 55% (mostly group marks)
- Proposal: 2%
- Checkpoint Implementation: 3%
- Final Implementation: 45%
- Project Overview: 5% (individual)
The group-based project marks will be multiplied by an individual adjustment factor. This will be determined from evaluations of participation by the group's members.
In order to pass this course, I expect students to demonstrate on the project that they have learned how to implement a web information system. In practice, that means…
The final project implementation will take the place of a final exam administratively: if you don't do it, you will be given an incomplete in the course. You must pass the project implementation to pass the course.
Group members that do not personally complete a reasonable amount of the project implementation will receive a grade penalty beyond the normal project weighting method. That generally means receiving an F or D in the course. Contributions will be evaluated on the basis of commits to the group's version control repository: all group members are expected to commit their own work.