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(Last updated Sep. 22)

This course, like all SFU courses in Fall 2020, is fully remote. Here is the basic plan (which might have to be modified as we go).

All information you need for the course will appear on this web page (possibly in the form of links to other locations, such as other web pages, streaming sites, etc.)

  • Lectures will be available as videos that you can stream. Currently, they are being distributed on an unlisted Youtube channel. You will be supplied with links to the videos on the "Lectures" page. An announcement, via Coursys news, will be made when new videos have been posted.
  • Scheduled lecture times will be used for three purposes.
    1. For live lectures. These will be done as Zoom meetings. You will be sent a Zoom invitation, via Coursys news, for each meeting. A recording of each meeting will posted for your reference, and the link will appear on the "Lectures" page.
    2. For live Question-and-Answer sessions, during which the instructor will not lecture but will answer questions about material that has been presented in video lectures. These sessions will, in general, not be recorded.
    3. Synchronous quizzes, using the Coursys quiz facility. Normally these will be during the Monday lecture time.
  • We will use this Piazza discussion group as the main place to ask questions and otherwise informally exchange information about the course.
  • Course grades will be based on three things:
    1. 6 Quizzes (total weight 40%) held during lecture times, normally on Mondays. (See the Quizzes page for details.) every Friday, Sept. 13 to Nov. 27 inclusive.
    2. 4 Assignments (total weight 40%), roughly every two weeks. (See the Assignments page for dates).
    3. Final Project (20 %).
Updated Tue Sept. 22 2020, 20:10 by dgm.