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Simpleton Command Line Tool

Below is the complete simpleton search tool, in colorized Haskell. You may download it from slowgrep.hs.

Here is the code for the RE algebraic data type and functions for matching REs to strings, as described in HaskellRE1.

import System.Environment
import System.IO (stdout,stderr,hPutStr,hPutStrLn)

-- Simpleton Regular Expressions in Haskell

-- 1. An algebraic data type for regular expressions

data RE = Epsilon | Ch Char | Seq RE RE | Alt RE RE | Star RE | Group RE deriving Show

-- 2. A simple match function to determine if a string matches a regular expression

match :: RE -> [Char] -> Bool
splits :: [Char] -> [([Char], [Char])]
combine_all :: Char -> [([Char], [Char])] -> [([Char], [Char])]
match_any_split :: RE -> RE -> [([Char], [Char])] -> Bool
match_any_nonempty_split :: RE -> RE -> [([Char], [Char])] -> Bool

match Epsilon s = s == ""
match (Ch a) "" = False
match (Ch a) (c : more_chars) = a == c && more_chars == []
match (Alt r1 r2) string = match r1 string || match r2 string
match (Seq r1 r2) string = match_any_split r1 r2 (splits string)
match (Star r1) "" = True
match (Star r1) s = match_any_nonempty_split r1 (Star r1) (splits s)
match (Group r1) s = match r1 s

splits "" = [("", "")]
splits (c : chars) = combine_all c (splits chars)

combine_all c [] = []
combine_all c (("", s): more) = ([c], s) : ("", c:s) : (combine_all c more)
combine_all c ((a:as, s): more) = (c:a:as, s) : (combine_all c more)

match_any_split r1 r2 [] = False
match_any_split r1 r2 ((s1, s2) : more_splits) 
   | match r1 s1 && match r2 s2     = True
   | otherwise                      = match_any_split r1 r2 more_splits 

match_any_nonempty_split r1 r2 [] = False
match_any_nonempty_split r1 r2 ((s1, s2) : more) 
   | s1 /= "" && match r1 s1 && match r2 s2     = True
   | otherwise                                  = match_any_nonempty_split r1 r2 more

Here follows the parsing code as described in more detail in Parsing1.

-- 3.  A parser to convert text into regular expressions

parseRE :: [Char] -> Maybe (RE, [Char])
parseSeq :: [Char] -> Maybe (RE, [Char])
parseItem :: [Char] -> Maybe (RE, [Char])
parseElement :: [Char] -> Maybe (RE, [Char])
parseChar :: [Char] -> Maybe (RE, [Char])

parseChar [] = Nothing
parseChar (c:s)
  | c == '|' || c == '*' || c == '(' || c == ')'   = Nothing
  | otherwise                                      = Just ((Ch c), s)

parseElement ('(':more) =
    case parseRE(more) of
        Just (re, ')':yet_more) -> Just(Group re, yet_more)
        _ -> Nothing
parseElement s = parseChar s

parseItem s =
   case parseElement(s) of
        Just (re, '*':more) -> Just (Star re, more)
        Just (re, more) -> Just (re, more)
        _ -> Nothing

extendSeq :: (RE, [Char]) -> Maybe (RE, [Char])

parseSeq s =
    case parseItem(s) of
        Just (r, more_chars) -> extendSeq(r, more_chars)
        _ -> Nothing

extendSeq (e1, after1) =
    case parseItem(after1) of 
        Just(e2, more) -> extendSeq(Seq e1 e2, more)
        _ -> Just(e1, after1)

extendRE :: (RE, [Char]) -> Maybe (RE, [Char])
parseRE s =
    case parseSeq(s) of
        Just (r, more_chars) -> extendRE(r, more_chars)
        _ -> Nothing

extendRE (e1, []) = Just (e1, [])
extendRE (e1, '|' : after_bar) =
    case parseSeq(after_bar) of 
        Just(e2, more) -> extendRE(Alt e1 e2, more)
        _ -> Nothing
extendRE(e1, c:more) = Just (e1, c:more)

parseMain :: [Char] -> Maybe RE

parseMain s = case parseRE s of 
    Just (e, []) -> Just e
    _ -> Nothing

Putting it all together, we build the command line utility for matching a regular expression against the lines in a file.

-- 4.  Searching for matching lines in a file

matches :: RE -> [[Char]] -> [[Char]]
matches re lines = filter (match re) lines

matching :: [Char] -> [[Char]] -> [[Char]]
matching regexp lines = case parseMain regexp of
                            Just r -> matches r lines
                            _ -> []

-- 5.  Command line interface

main = do
  [regExp, fileName] <- getArgs
  srcText <- readFile fileName
  hPutStr stdout (unlines (matching regExp (lines srcText)))

For example, let us suppose that we have the file simple.txt with the following content.

baa baa

We can first use ghc to compile slowgrep.hs:

ghc slowgrep.hs

We can then do some simple tests.

Robs-MacBook-Pro:384 cameron$ ./slowgrep "(a|b)*" simple.txt
Robs-MacBook-Pro:384 cameron$ ./slowgrep "a*b*" simple.txt
Robs-MacBook-Pro:384 cameron$ ./slowgrep "(baa*)*" simple.txt
Robs-MacBook-Pro:384 cameron$ ./slowgrep "(baa* *)*" simple.txt
baa baa
Robs-MacBook-Pro:384 cameron$ ./slowgrep "b(a|b)*le" simple.txt
Updated Thu Sept. 20 2018, 15:15 by cameron.