Propositional and Predicate Calculus
Logics are systems concerned with the relationships between statements.
Two very important systems of logic are the
propositional calculus
and the
predicate calculus, also sometimes known as
zeroeth-order logic, and
first-order logic, respectively.
Propositional Calculus
Propositional calculus is the system of logic concerned with relationships between simple statements, also called
- Propositions are atomic statements that may be considered to be either true or false.
- "The sky is blue."
- "The table has seven legs."
- Propositions are often represented by symbols, such as \(P\) and \(Q\).
- \(P\) could be used to represent the proposition "The sky is blue."
- \(Q\) could be used to represent the proposition "The table has seven legs."
Given proposition symbols as atomic logical formulas, composite logical statements can be formed using logical operators.
Conjunctions of two logical formulas are formed using the operator \(\wedge\) meaning "and".
\(P \wedge Q\) could mean that both "the sky is blue" and "the table has seven legs".
- Disjunctions of two logical formulas are formed using the operator \(\vee\) meaning "or".
- \(P \vee Q\) could mean that either "the sky is blue" or "the table has seven legs" (or both).
- Negations of a logical formula are formed using the operator \(\neg\) meaning "not". \(\neg P\) could mean that it is not true that "the sky is blue".
- Implications of two logical formulas are formed using the operator \(\implies\) meaning "implies".
- \(P \implies Q\) could mean that "the sky is blue" implies that "the table has seven legs", in other words, if "the sky is blue", then "the table has seven legs".
- Equivalences of two logical formulas are formed using the operator \(\equiv\) meaning "is equivalent to".
- \(P \equiv Q\) could mean that "the sky is blue" is equivalent to the statement that "the table has seven legs", in other words, if and only if "the sky is blue", then "the table has seven legs".
Truth Tables
Truth tables are useful to describe the meaning of the logical operators.
\(P\) | \(Q\) | \(P \wedge Q\) |
false | false | false |
false | true | false |
true | false | false |
true | true | true |
\(P\) | \(Q\) | \(P \vee Q\) |
false | false | false |
false | true | true |
true | false | true |
true | true | true |
\(P\) | \(\neg P\) |
false | true |
true | false |
\(P\) | \(Q\) | \(P \implies Q\) |
false | false | true |
false | true | true |
true | false | false |
true | true | true |
\(P\) | \(Q\) | \(P \equiv Q\) |
false | false | true |
false | true | false |
true | false | false |
true | true | true |
Tautologies are logical statements that are true by virtue of their logical structure, independent of the truth or falsity of the constituent propositions.
For example, a well-known tautology is the logical formula \(P \vee \neg P\).
If we suspect that a formula is a tautology, then one way of verifying
the fact is to work out its truth table.
\(P\) | \(\neg P\) | \(P \vee \neg P\) |
false | true | true |
true | false | true |
Another important tautology is
modus ponens:
\(((P \implies Q) \wedge P) \implies Q\).
\(P\) | \(Q\) | \(P \implies Q\) | \((P \implies Q) \wedge P\) | \(((P \implies Q) \wedge P)\implies Q\) |
false | false | true | false | true |
false | true | true | false | true |
true | false | false | false | true |
true | true | true | true | true |
- Develop a Haskell representation for formulas of the propositional calculus.
- Write the following Haskell functions.
- A function that extracts all the unique propositional symbols of a formula.
- A function that determines the truth of a formula, given an environment specifying the truth values of all the symbols in a formula.
- A function that determines whether a formula is a tautology, by the truth table method: consider all possible truth value assignments to propositions and determine the truth of the formula for each assignment.
The algebraic data type for propositional formulas is straightforward.
data PF = Prop Char | Neg PF | Conj PF PF |
Disj PF PF | Imp PF PF | Equiv PF PF deriving Show
- We use a strategy of having a helper function that adds
propositions to a given list if they are not already in the list.
unique_props x = up_helper x []
up_helper (Prop c) props
| elem c props = props
| otherwise = c:props
up_helper (Neg f) propList = up_helper f propList
up_helper (Conj f g) propList = up_helper f (up_helper g propList)
up_helper (Disj f g) propList = up_helper f (up_helper g propList)
up_helper (Imp f g) propList = up_helper f (up_helper g propList)
up_helper (Equiv f g) propList = up_helper f (up_helper g propList)
- To evaluate a logical formula given an environment, we let
the environment be an explicit list of all propositions that have the value True, with all other propositions implicitly False. This makes the evaluator straightforward.
eval_logic (Prop p) propEnv = elem p propEnv
eval_logic (Neg f) propEnv = not (eval_logic f propEnv)
eval_logic (Conj f g) propEnv = (eval_logic f propEnv) && (eval_logic g propEnv)
eval_logic (Disj f g) propEnv = (eval_logic f propEnv) || (eval_logic g propEnv)
eval_logic (Imp f g) propEnv = (not (eval_logic f propEnv)) || (eval_logic g propEnv)
eval_logic (Equiv f g) propEnv = (eval_logic f propEnv) == (eval_logic g propEnv)
- To compute truth tables, we let entries be a pair consisting of a proposition environment and the value of the formula in that environment.
truth_table_entry f propEnv = (propEnv, eval_logic f propEnv)
- To determine all the possible truth value assignments, we use a recursive function.
all_truth_val_assignments [] = [[]]
all_truth_val_assignments (p1:more) =
let all_assigs_more = all_truth_val_assignments more
in map (p1:) all_assigs_more ++ all_assigs_more
- The truth table is then easy to put together.
truth_table f =
let props = unique_props f
in map (truth_table_entry f) (all_truth_val_assignments props)
This lets us determine whether we have a tautology as a formula with True in every row.
*Main> truth_table (Disj (Prop 'x') (Neg (Prop 'x')))
*Main> truth_table (Imp (Conj (Imp (Prop 'p') (Prop 'q')) (Prop 'p')) (Prop 'q'))
Updated Sat Sept. 01 2018, 18:24 by cameron.