Arrays in Haskell
Haskell supports arrays as well as lists. Both are containers of elements all of the same type, with a defined ordering of elements. However, arrays are fixed in size and support efficient random access to array elements.
Import the Library
To use Haskell arrays, you first need to import the relevant library.
import Data.Array
Creating Arrays
Arrays are conveniently created in two ways.
- Given a list of all the elements of an array, in order, an array can be constructed using the listArray operation.
- The first argument to listArray is a pair indicating the bounds of the array for indexing.
- The second argument is a list with the values of all list elements given individually.
listArray (0, 7) [1, 7, 0, 6, 0, 4, 0, 0]
- An array can also be constructed using a list of mappings of
(index, value) pairs.
- For example, we can construct a table of squares of the integers from l to 8.
array (1, 8) [(i, i * i) | i <- [1..8]]
Accessing Elements
Array elements are accessed using the !
infix operator.
Thus a!3
accesses the array element with index 3
Multidimensional Arrays
Multidimensional arrays can easily be created by using pairs of coordinates for the range bounds.
For example, a 4x4 multiplication table can be created as follows.
array ((1,1), (4,4)) [((i,j), i*j) | i <-[1..4], j <- [1..4]]
Haskell arrays, like all data objects are immutable. So one cannot change an element in an existing array.
However, it is possible to create a new array that is the same as an existing element with certain elements changed. The //
operator is used for this purpose.
For example, produce an array a1
based on array a0
but with the diagonal elements replaced by 0.
a1 = a0//[((i,i), 0) | i <- [1..n]]
Both a0
and a1
are immutable objects. However, if the Haskell compiler can determine that a0
is no longer needed, it may optimize the implementation avoid creating a copy.