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Sample Paper Topics

Your topic does not have to come from this list. These are suggestions. The brief comments and questions for each topic are just a few ideas to spark your imagination and get you started.


Canadian vs. U.S. copyright. What are the differences in Canadian vs. U.S. copyright law? In view of our class discussion, what the pros and cons of each system?

What is happening in network security and cybercrime like identity theft? What do you think is the greatest danger now or in the future? What is the best approach: legal, technological, user education, a mix?

Devices to assist people with disabilities. Report on computer-based technologies that assist people with disabilities. Consider blind people, deaf people, people who use wheelchairs, people with limited use of their hands and arms, etc. Describe some of the new tools and their impact. Discuss issues such as cost, any problems with these devices, etc. (Focus on newer developments, e.g., devices not mentioned in the textbook.)

Identification and biometrics. A company sells an identification chip that is implanted under a person's skin. About the size of a grain of rice, it contains personal information and emits a radio signal that identifies the person. Give examples of where the chips is currently used. Discuss beneficial uses, potential problems and abuses, and appropriate guidelines for use of such a chip and other identification technologies, including various biometrics.

Telemedicine. Describe applications, from remote consultation to remote surgery. Benefits, possible problem areas (privacy, errors, loss of personalized care).

Health information on the Web. Research and report on Web-based health information sites, including such issues as benefits, reliability of the information, privacy protections, techniques being developed to rate or accredit sites, impact on medical care. Patients of some healthcare providers can access their own records online. Describe an example. How does it affect medical care?

Privacy on the Web. What's happening now? Recent abuses and improvements. Describe and evaluate Web site policies and technical and policy privacy protections provided by the market, and current proposals for government regulations.

Privacy for organizations and businesses. All our discussion of privacy concerns privacy for people. There have been incidents in which sensitive information that organizations and businesses must provide to government agencies has been made public, intentionally, accidentally, or by leaks. Release of information about fund-raising, sales plans, pricing, members, or customers might aid competitors. Release of information about manufacture of, storage of, and security for certain chemicals could aid terrorists. Report on some cases and discuss reasonable extensions of principles about privacy for organizations and businesses.

Personal data privacy regulations in other countries. Report on personal data privacy regulations, Web site privacy policies, and law enforcement access to personal data in one or more countries, e.g. the European Union.

Computers in law enforcement. Issues include benefits to crime fighting, invasion of privacy, problems caused for innocent people because of errors. Describe cases where a computer system has been very helpful in catching a criminal or vindicating an innocent person, and describe cases where a computer system has caused serious problems. An activity for this project could include a ride-along in a police car. (A few students did this in the past and found it very instructive.) Another possible activity is to interview someone who runs or supervises the use of local law enforcement computer systems. What databases do they access? How do they prevent unauthorized access?

Computers in the legal/justice system. Describe systems in use, from legal databases to artificial intelligence programs that help judges determine sentences. Consider the possibility of AI systems making judgments in some legal cases. Describe and evaluate pros and cons.

Technological responses to terrorism. Describe and evaluate some of the computer-based technologies implemented or expanded after Sept. 11, 2001. Consider effectiveness, cost, impact on daily life, air travel, risks, etc., and arguments related to privacy and civil liberties.

Children on the Internet. There are several problem areas: availability of material not appropriate for children, contact with people who seek to abuse children, and privacy risks from game sites that ask children for extensive personal and family information (for marketing purposes). How serious are these problems? What is being done about them? Evaluate various solutions. Do benefits for children on the Net outweigh risks? Can we arrange to have the benefits without the risks?

The Global Economy. What are the roles and impacts of computers and communications technology in the increase of trans-border economic activity (e.g., eBay as a global garage sale; customer service workers in other countries handling U.S. consumer calls; databases to track the origin of a cow with Mad Cow Disease; etc.)? What are the benefits? What are the problems? Is this aspect of increased globalization a good thing for people in the U.S., for people in other countries, for humanity in general?

Automated systems. Study progress, safety, and social issues related to an automated system such as automated highways and self-driving vehicles.

Safety-critical applications. Find a local application to study, or study the Air Traffic Control system, systems to prevent train crashes, a particular area of medical devices, or other similar topic. Describe systems in use, discuss benefits and risks.

Use of computer and Web technology by restaurants. Investigate and discuss issues such as customer service, impact on employment, food safety, ambiance. Visit a restaurant with self-service ordering terminals. Some fast food restaurants use robotic devices for food preparation; report on one. Interview a waiter or restaurant manager. (This could be part of a paper that looks at the impact of computer automation in two or three industries or consumer services.)

Spam. Describe and evaluate technical solutions, current legislation and regulation, and significant proposed legislation. Some people propose that the federal government create a "Do not spam" list, like the "DO not call" list for telemarketers. Discuss privacy problems that could occur with implementation of such a list. Discuss the roles of technical and legislative solutions for spam. Consider the relevance of freedom of speech.

Censorship of the Internet. Some aspect not covered in the text, or study some issue in more detail.

Information warfare. Will the next wars be fought without bombs? Will computer networks and computer-controlled infrastructure be the targets of military hackers? What is happening now? What kind of defenses are possible?

Recent copyright battles for music and movies. Report on several recent strategies used by the entertainment industries (legal, technological, and business) to prevent unauthorized copying. Evaluate the effectiveness and ethics of the methods. Describe current controversies.

Free software and open source software. What's happening with "free" software and open-source software now? What is their impact? What are the implications for consumers? For big companies like Microsoft?

Identity theft. What is the current state of the problem? Describe relevant laws. How have consumers and businesses changed behavior in response to Identity Theft? What technical solutions have developed?

Are Web issues really new? Choose two other technologies or innovations, such as radio, telegraph, railroads, or electricity, and find out what ethical, social, and legal issues and controversies arose about them. Compare the problems and issues to current problems and issues about the Web. What solutions developed? How well do those solutions fit the Web?

Computers and the environment. How are computers used by nature researchers and organizations. Describe applications that help protect the environment. Describe aspects of computers that cause environmental problems. What do environmentalists think of computers?

Political activism on the Net in the U.S. (or other politically free country). How has the Internet helped or hurt political groups outside the mainstream? How is it used by major political parties and candidates? What is the impact? How do/should current regulations about political campaigns affect individuals and small organizations that set up Web pages to support/oppose candidates and issues?

Politial organizing in unfree countries. Choose one country or a few countries that restrict political freedom. Describe how people use social networking sites and other Internet technologies to organize political events, strikes, protests, boycotts, etc. How have these techniques affected the politics of the country? How have the governments responded? What do these experiences suggest for the future of political freedom and democracy?

Electronic Voting and Internet Voting. The U.S. and some other countries have experimented with voting on the Internet or using electronic voting machines. How successful were the first experiments? Will most political elections be held on the Internet in the future? Discuss the problems of maintaining secret ballots, preventing election fraud, and providing for recounts (for both electronic voting machines and Internet voting). What other issues are relevant? How are the states (and other nations) handling these issues?

Violence in video/computer games. What is the impact on children? How does it differ from television? Interview people who write and publish computer games to find out their policies and views about violent games.

Use of the Web in schools. Are students being taught to use the Web effectively, wisely, and safely?

Distance learning. What are the common uses? What will be the impact on universities? On adult education? Is cheating a problem?

Monitoring of employees' Web use and e-mail. What policies are employers using? Perhaps study a few large businesses in your area. Evaluate policies for different kinds of employers (e.g., for your university, covering students, faculty, and staff, and for a software company in a highly competitive business).

Cyberspace communities. What makes a "community"? How do cyberspace communities handle decision making, dealing with troublesome members, etc.? Find one community to study in depth, preferably one that you are a member of or have a special interest in. (Please respect the community's privacy guidelines and ask permission if quoting members.)

Gender or ethnic issues. The _Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering_ might have some useful articles for background and ideas for specific projects. There have been several studies of differences in the way men and women use computers. Compare Web sites aimed at women or at specific ethnic minority audiences with the Web in general.

Computing and network access in other countries. For example, how are computers used in rural, poor areas of Africa? Choose one country to study in depth or compare a few.

Science fiction and prediction. Find several science fiction stories published at least 30 years ago that are set in the present time or near future and describe computer and communications technologies. Report on how closely their view of the technology corresponds to what is actually available. What social benefits and problems did they anticipate?

What will the world be like 50 years from now? How will electronic communications and commerce affect the power of centralized governments? Everyday life? What will happen as computers are connected to the human body? Will human intelligence be of less value in the future? Several experts have written books addressing these issues. You could read two or three and evaluate their predictions.

Updated Thu Sept. 27 2018, 13:09 by oschulte.