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Exercise 1

Start by getting the software you need: you can find instructions and links in the Study Guide software section. You will need a text editor and secure file transfer program for this exercise. You should also be using either Chrome or Firefox as your web browser.

Create an HTML File

In your text editor, copy-and-paste this template for an HTML file. Save it as exercise1.html.

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<meta charset="UTF-8" />

Video tutorial: CMPT 165: Working with text files.

Use either Chrome or Firefox to open this file. If you have menus visible (which is a browser setting), you can select the File menu Open File select your exercise1.html. Or you can press ctrl-O (Windows/Linux) or ⌘-O (OSX) to bring up the open opening dialog and select your exercise1.html.

Add some actual content to the page. The topic can be whatever you wish. There should be enough content that we can see that you are using the tags properly, but you shouldn't need to write more than a few lines to do that.

In the text editor, fill in the <title> and in the <body>, add:

  • an <h1> with the same text as your <title>.
  • a few paragraphs (<p>).
  • Pick at least one of <dfn>, <code>, or <strong>. Find it in the HTML tag reference and look at the reference page for that tag to learn the type of content it is supposed to hold. Use it for some (appropriate) content on the page. (All of these should go inside a paragraph.)

In the web browser, reload the file (ctrl-R or ⌘-R or the reload button ) to see your changes.

Upload to the Server

Open up your secure file transfer program and make a SFTP (or SSH File Transfer or SCP: those are all synonyms) connection to the course web server, Log in with your usual SFU username and password.

Instructions: Uploading Files in the Study Guide. Video tutorial: CMPT 165: Uploading Files.

Upload the file into the public_html directory in your home directory there: double-click public_html and upload the file in there.

Once it's uploaded, you should be able to go to a URL like this (substituting your username for userid) and see your HTML page.


Your URLs for all work must be submitted to CourSys or they will not be marked. Submit the URL of your HTML page to the CourSys activity Exercise 1.

Updated Wed Aug. 24 2016, 12:06 by ggbaker.