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Exercise 5: colour-page.html

This markup should be saved as colour-page.html for Exercise 5:

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="colour-style.css" />
<title>Playing With Colours</title>
<h1>Playing With Colours</h1>

<li>This is blue: <div class="cblock" id="a"></div></li>
<li>This is light green: <div class="cblock" id="b"></div></li>
<li>This is dark grey: <div class="cblock" id="c"></div></li>
<li>This is red-orange: <div class="cblock" id="d"></div></li>
<li>This is brown: <div class="cblock" id="e"></div></li>
<li>This is the colour of the sky on a clear day: <div class="cblock" id="f"></div></li>

Updated Wed Aug. 24 2016, 12:05 by ggbaker.