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Exercise 3: validation-page.html

This markup should be saved as validation-page.html for Exercise 3:

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html lang="en">
<meta charsef="UTF-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
<title>A Page About Nothing</title>
<h1>A Page About Nothing</h1>

<p><dfn class="pagetopic">Nothing</dfn> is a pronoun denoting the absence of anything. Nothing is a pronoun associated with nothingness. In nontechnical uses, nothing denotes things lacking importance, interest, value, relevance, or significance. Nothingness is the state of being nothing, the state of nonexistence of anything, or the property of having nothing.</p>
Some would consider the study of "nothing" to be foolish, a typical response of this type is voiced by <a href="">Giacomo Casanova</a> (<time>1725</time>&ndash;<time>1798</time>) in conversation with his landlord, one Dr. Gozzi, who also happens to be a priest,</p>
<blockquote><p>As everything, for him, was an article of faith, nothing, to his mind, was difficult to understand: the Great Flood had covered the entire world; before, men had the misfortune of living a thousand years; God conversed with them; Noah had taken one hundred years to build the ark; while the earth, suspended in air, stood firmly at the center of the universe that God had created out of nothingness. When I said to him, and proved to him, that the existence of nothingness was absurd, he cut me short, calling me silly.</p></blockquote>
However, "nothingness" has been treated as a serious subject worthy of research for a very long time. In philosophy, to avoid linguistic traps over the meaning of "nothing", a phrase such as not-being is often employed to unambiguously make clear what is being discussed.

<section id="seeother">
<h2>See Also</h2>
<li><a href="">Empty</a></li>
<li><a href="">Nihilism</a></li>
<li><a href="">Nowhere</a></li>

<p>The text on this page was taken from the <source>Wikipedia page <a href="">Nothing</a></source> because nothing else came to mind.</p>

Updated Wed Aug. 24 2016, 12:05 by ggbaker.